Thursday, September 3, 2009


In general, modeling trees is a long and somewhat tedious undertaking. Usually, each tree contains thousands of individual elements. In many instances, trees are included in a model as an accent to the main focus adding a sense of atmosphere rather than being the main focus of the completed model itself. For this reason, many 3D software products include some sort of “procedural” modeling method of generating trees which eases the task of tree modeling. There are indeed a number of Blender python scripts available on the web that attempt to do this as well as many tree modeling applications whose exported files can be imported into Blender.

In this tutorial we will model a deciduous (leaf bearing) tree with an eye toward keeping the model as low in polygon face count as possible and maintaining as much modeling flexibility as possible, so that the completed model can be re-fashioned into other types of deciduous trees with a minimum of effort.

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